email to client list/purchased list?

by Shelley Reid Lute <Shell(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 1 Apr 2000 07:43:43 -0500
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
hello all-

I have a potential client that is interested in sending email to all 
his clients (I had wondered about checking LIST BOT) for this. If 
anyone has any recommendations on that, I would appreciate it since 
other clients are also interested in the same.

But his first question to me was that he was interested in sending 
maybe 1000 per week. This obviously would not be from his client 
list. There is no way I'd even consider getting involved in spamming 
if that's what he wants. He's in the insurance/financial business so 
I don't even have a clue as to what he thinks he will gain from 
spamming the world. Doesn't he know people throw those out and get 
really irritated? Like I'm really going to select a new ins. agent 
from a piece of SPAM mail!

I think I would be better prepared going into the meeting knowing 
more to tell him. I don't think telling him "that's really rude" is a 
good client designer conversation.

I would like to be educated about how this is done and the 
repercussions I need to inform my client of.

thank you,


English Shepherd photo album-


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Shelley Reid Lute


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